16 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Convergent Evolution in Mammals and Marsupials

The most famous example of different species filling similar roles involves the marsupial mammals, now found mainly in Australia (the Virginia opossum is a familiar exception), and placental mammals, which predominate elsewhere in the world. The two groups show important anatomical differences, most notably in their reproductive systems (almost all marsupials have pouches and give birth to very undeveloped young, while placentals have placentas that enable young to be born at a more advanced ...
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Although they have very different reproductive strategies, the two groups have many parallels in species adapted to the same environments.

19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Conjecture versus Theorem

Mathematicians use the idea of proof to make a distinction between a 'conjecture' and a 'theorem', which bears a superficial resemblance to the OED's distinction between the two senses of 'theory'. A conjecture is a proposition that looks true but has never been proved. It will become a theorem when it has been proved. A famous example is the Goldbach Conjecture, which states that any even integer can be expressed as the sum of two primes. Mathematicians have failed to disprove it for all eve...
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in mathematics and how it applies to scientific "theory".